Why should you use Bridge2-Hi ?
- Browse Chinese web pages with Firefox, search and find information you want in the Chinese world and language;
- Handle Chinese email in Thunderbird;
- Use NVU or BlueGriffon to edit & publish Chinese web pages;
- Use Open Office Writer to write text in the Chinese language;
- Use Open Office Calculate to create data sheets in Chinese;
- Use Open Office Impress to create Chinese presentations;
- Use Open Office Draw to annotate drawings in Chinese;
- Create posters and brochures in Chinese using Maul Publisher;
- Use it in Emblish, Photo->Graphics or JPhotoGraph to produce colorful pictures with Chinese characters;
In fact you can use any Hanzi in any software application that supports DBCS languages.
You can download a version from the author at
Bridge2-Hi is shareware, written in Pascal and compiled with Virtual Pascal and WDSibyl.