How may I request a refund?

Requesting a refund is a simple matter of using our contact form and submitting your request. Please note however that most sales are final.

There are no refunds for licensed software (ArcaOS) or for unused subscription terms, for example. Generally, this is because the licensing which we have to purchase does not allow for us to return a license to stock once it has been issued. This means that if we were to accept returns, we would actually have an unusable license coming back to us.

If there is something which is not quite working as expected, please let us know, either by using our contact page or by opening a support ticket. Perhaps it’s a known issue, or perhaps we are unaware of the problem, and may be able to look at addressing it with a software or documentation update. In any case, please give us an opportunity to address your concerns. We’re here to help.

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